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West=On=Track - News

Statement by Seán Ó Neachtain MEP

Wednesday March 31st 2004

Sean O Neachtain, Fianna Fail MEP has today called on the Minister for Transport Seamus Brennan TD to immediately set up the Expert Working Group to examine the potential of a Western Rail Corridor.

The establishment of an Expert Working Group has been a commitment that has been given by the Minister of Transport with regard to what is a very important proposal for the people living in the west of Ireland.

The fact of the matter is that the Western Rail Corridor does accord with the aims and objectives of the National Spatial Strategy. And it is of critical importance that any future rail proposals are incorporated in regional, county and local development plans in the appropriate areas.

I very much support the Western Rail Corridor proposal. I believe that it would positively contribute to the development of the west of Ireland and is a critical infrastructure project.

That is why I am calling on the Minister for Transport to establish this Working Group with immediate effect. This is a policy matter that commands widespread political support from the people in the west of Ireland and it is an issue that must be given the most careful examination.








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