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Kenny pledge on rail link

Western People - Wednesday 16 November 2005

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has pledged that his party will complete the Western Rail link during a first term in Government.

Said Deputy Kenny: "I can now go further in regard to a timescale, as I will assure the people of the West that this project will be dealt with and completed in the first term of Fine Gael in Government.

Fine Gael gave its full approval for this project prior to the last election and that commitment stands and will be honoured by me.

"Cllr Murray's comments on radio are to be deplored about a fellow Mayo man's intentions. I could remind him of his Party's associations with IRA elements that for years blew up railway lines in this country.

Cllr Murray need not worry about Fine Gael doing its job, and I look forward to that when the people give me their mandate. "As for his comment about having the luxury of Opposition, I can assure him that promises entered into by Fine Gael in opposition or Government will be honoured unlike his Party and Fianna Fáil, who have repeatedly lied to the Irish people and broken their trust repeatedly," Deputy Kenny added.








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