West=On=Track -
Re-opening the Western
Rail Corridor
Western People Editorial -
16th February 2005
In a matter of weeks the West on Track lobby group will
know if their campaign to re-open the Sligo-Limerick rail
line has been a success. The Minister for Transport, Mr
Martin Cullen, is due to present a ten-year plan to his
Cabinet colleagues, in which he will identify projects that
are worthy of State funding. Everyone in Connacht will hope
that the re-opening of the Sligo-Limerick rail-link is one
of those projects. It would be unthinkable if this line was
to remain closed when the transport needs of the region have
never been greater.
There may have been an argument ten years ago that the
re-opening of the Western Rail Corridor represented a risk
too far in a region that lacked development. But that
hypothesis has long been made redundant. The West of Ireland
may not have benefited as handsomely from the Celtic Tiger
as the East but there has been progress nonetheless. Nowhere
is this more evident than in Galway where traffic gridlock
has reached almost crisis point.
One has only to travel from Tuam to Galway in rush-hour
any weekday to realise the importance of the Western Rail
Corridor to the future of the West of Ireland. The opening
of the rail-line from Sligo to Galway and Limerick should
not be viewed as a political act of charity; it is an
essential piece of infrastructure that cannot be left
redun-dant any longer.
The closure of the Western Rail Corridor was arguably one
of the most regressive, short-sighted political deci-sions
of the twentieth century. Fifty years ago Ireland had a
comprehensive rail network that serviced almost every county
in the country. The Western Rail Corridor was par-ticularly
valuable as it offered a rail service to three counties -
Sligo, Mayo and Galway. Some will argue that it was closed
because of a lack of customers but that was never the case.
The reality is that Ireland's rail service never realised
its full potential because it was virtually ignored by
successive Governments who believed that the future of
Ireland's transport needs lay in roads infrastructure. These
policies are now being wholly reversed with trams returning
to the streets of Dublin - in the form of the Luas - and the
Government doing everything in its power to convince the
public that there is a viable alternative to the car.
The opening of the Western Rail Corridor can be the
catalyst for a new vibrant era in the West of Ireland. A
regular train service between Sligo, Mayo and Galway will
open up a whole host of new opportunities while also
rid-ding our roads of a huge amount of traffic, particularly
heavy goods vehicles. If the Government has any foresight or
vision it will realise that rail transport is essential to
the future industrial development of the West of Ireland.
With car ownership increasing by the day we can no longer
expect heavy goods vehicles to service our industries.
Companies are losing vast sums of money because of delays in
road transport. The development of a low-cost efficient rail
service is the obvious answer to the transport problems of
post-Celtic Tiger Ireland.
If there was no existing rail network between Sligo and
Galway one could understand the reluctance to re-open the
Western Rail Corridor. But the rail network is in place. It
may need a little upgrading but the network is more or less
If the Government approves the re-opening of the Western
Rail Corridor next month it will mean the powers that be
have finally begun to right the wrongs of the last fifty
years. However, failure to sanction such a vital
infrastructural project will be the ultimate insult to the
people of Mayo, Sligo and Galway.
From a purely political point of view it is in the
interests of the Government to give the green light for the
Western Rail Corridor. But this issue should not just be
about politics. The people of the West are entitled to fair
play. If hundreds of millions of Euro can be spent on
reviving a tram system in Dublin surely a few million can be
expended on a badly-needed rail-link west of the Shannon. Or
is there one system of equality for the East and another for
the West? The next few weeks will provide the answer to that
particular riddle.